All Change

A couple of weeks ago scouting launched a new updated programme for youth members. The change includes new badges and others discontinued.

So why change other than to keep leaders like me on our toes.

Scouting and Guiding need to move with the times if we want to keep members. Badges that applied several years ago just don’t relate to today’s youth. There were badges in the past on bee keeping & tests on which was the correct way to fly the union flag . We now have badges on computing , geocaching  and being more involved in the local community

How young people learn has also changed I have found that sometimes even simple crafts can be a challenge as they don’t have the handskills to cope. Things that us older folk took for granted are no longer the norm including how to interact with each other instead of a computer. Scouting and guiding have recognized this and have continued to adapt to suit today’s youngsters.

The sense of achievement and pride though is still there when they are presented with thier badge and this is what we need to remember.

different handbooks
The changing face of handbooks


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